Two's Complement: Binary Trees
Lets get comfortable with binary trees! Recall the binary tree type definition
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
Question 1
Draw a binary tree of integers on the white board with at least 4 nodes. Write out your binary tree in full Haskell syntax, in accordance with the type definition given above. Is your binary tree balanced? If not, re-draw your original tree as a balanced tree. Get a PAL mentor to check!
Question 2
Write a function count
, which inputs a binary tree and outputs the total number of nodes in that tree.
Question 3
Write a function sum
, which inputs a binary tree of integers and outputs the sum of all the nodes in that tree.
Question 4
Write a function flatten
, which takes inputs Tree a
and outputs a list of all the node elements.
Extension: If your input tree for question 4 is balanced, can you think of a modification to your flatten
function that preserves the order of the tree? I.e., can you flatten down the tree into a list of ascending values?
Question 5
Let us call a binary tree symmetric if you can draw a vertical line through the root node and then the right subtree is the mirror image of the left subtree.
Write a function called QSymmetric
that returns True
if an input tree is symmetric, and False
Question 6
Write a function called flip
, which takes in a binary tree and swaps the position of every subtree. That is, for every subtree, each right node goes to the left, and each left node goes to the right.