Stylish and well behaved code
Stylish and well behaved code
Discuss in your group what the difference is between black-box and white-box testing is. If you don’t know, ask your peers!
Create a few black box tests for the following functions
absoluteValue :: (Num a) => a -> a
data Triangle = Equilateral | Isoscelese | Scalene
typeOfTriangle :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> Triangle
SumOdd :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
White box
Write some white-box tests for this code, the code has some errors, try and find them! Also, you might want to rename some variables once you find out what it does.
function_1 :: [Int] -> Int
function_1 list = case list of
[] -> error "empty list"
| x >= y -> x
| otherwise -> y
| x >= y -> function_1 x:xs
| otherwise -> function_1 y:xs
function_2 :: Int -> Int
function_2 number
| number == 10 = number
| otherwise = function_2 (number + 1)
function_3 :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Int]
function_3 list1 list2 = case (list1,list2) of
([], []) -> []
(x:xs, y:ys) -> (x+y) : (function_3 xs ys)
Stylish code for Stylish kids
Can you improve the style of these functions
true_or_not :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
true_or_not x xx = (x == True) && (xx == True) = True
bad_name_for_a_function :: [Integer] -> Integer
bad_name_for_a_function very_long_integer_list = case very_long_integer_list of
first_element : rest_of_the_elements -> first_element + (bad_name_for_a_function rest_of_the_elements)
[] -> 0
list_more_than_5 :: [a] -> Bool
list_more_than_5 l = case l of
[w,x,y,z] -> False
[x,y,z] -> False
[y,z] -> False
[z] -> False
[] -> False
_ -> True
fun1 :: Type1 -> Type2 -> Type3
fun1 var1 var2 = take var2 var1
number_grade_to_letter_grade x = case (x < 50) of
LT -> Fail
_ -> case (x < 60) of
LT -> Pass
_ -> case (x < 70) of
LT -> Credit
_ -> case (x < 80) of
LT -> Distinction
_ -> High_Distinction