You’re Eating Recursion

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What is Pooh Eating?!?

Recursion might be a completely new and confusing idea. Do not worry, it takes a little while to understand but once you get it, everything will become a lot clearer. Discuss in your group what you think recursion is and give examples.

Recursion’s Ingredients

Recursion is made up of multiple distinct parts. In your groups, identify the fundamental ingredients and build up a good recipe for making recursion.

Look, Pooh, Recursion!

Now that you know the fundamentals of recursion, label them in the following recursive data types:

data [Element] = Element : [Element]  |  []
data [Element -> Bool] = (Element -> Bool) : [Element -> Bool] | []

Now have a look at the following list and trace it out (ask your PAL mentor if you don’t know what a trace is). Hint use contructors and the empty list, [].


Help Tigger

Tiger is trying to make sure that Pooh knows what he is eating. Label the recursive fundamentals of this function:

multiply :: Int -> Int -> Int
multiply n x = case n of
    1 -> x
    m -> x + multiply (m - 1) x

Finish this function:

lengthList :: ______ —> ______
lengthList [] = _____
lengthList lst = 1 + ______

Making our own Recursion

Based on the previous samples of recursion and our recipe, create a function which will return the largest element of a list. Confirm that your function will please pooh by tasting (tracing) it.

Now, as Pooh wants a extremely declious batch, create a recursive function which will return a list of all the even elements of a list.