Translation, Damnation!


In your labs this week, you have encountered Recursion! Let’s quickly go through its two critical parts:

1) Base Case: This it the case when the recursion will stop. This will usually apply to the simplest or lowest form of the problem. 2) Recursive Step: Every other step! This must the function again, changing variables for the next iteration.

Recusion goes hand in hand with pattern matching. For example, the following function

add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
add n m
	| 0 m = m
	| otherwise = (add (n-1) (m+1))

is actually equivalent to

add n m = n + m

But it uses recursion! Can you see how that works?


The following functions use pattern matching to implement recursion but they are incomplete! Fill in the gaps and then explain what each function does:

mult :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mult m n
	| _______ = n
	| otherwise = n + mult (m-1) n

indices :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
indices m n
	| n == 1    = m
	| otherwise = _______

summ :: [Integer] -> Integer
summ ls
	| _______ = 0
	| otherwise = (head ls) + (summ (tail ls))