Recursive Functions

Intro to Recursion

So what is the essence of recursion? At its core, it is two steps:

  • Base Case: The function terminates with one final output.
  • Recursion Case: The function calls itself with a modification of its inputs.

Together, these two steps make recursion. So let’s see an example:

	recursion :: [a] -> Integer
	recursion ls
		| ls == []  = 0
		| otherwise = 1 + recursion (tail ls)

Can you identify the base case and the recursive case? What does the function compute?

A good way to disect recursive function is using a trace. A trace follows through each recursive call of a function given an example input. This enables us to see how the function is computing its output. For example:

	recursion "PAL" = 1 + (recursion "AL")
					= 1 + (1 + (recursion "L"))
					= 1 + (1 + (1 + (recursion "")))
					= 1 + (1 + (1 + (0)))
					= 3

Writing Your Own Recursive Functions

Consider the factorial function from mathematics:

	n! = n * (n-1) * ... * 2 * 1

So, for example, 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6. We will try to construct a factorial function is Haskell using recursion. Fill in the blanks using the question below!

  • What would the type signature be?
  • What are the inputs?
  • What is the base case?
  • What is the recursive case?
  • How do we tell what case we are in?
      factorial :: ______ -> ______
      factorial xs
          | ______ = 1
          | ______ = ______

Using the same methodology, write a recursive function that checks if a string is a palindrome. You can use the following functions that get the first and last elements of list:

	head :: [a] -> a
	last :: [a] -> a