List Recursion

Complete the following functions:

  1. Filter out integers in a list that are smaller than five, with the type signature:
     filter :: [Int] -> [Int]
  2. Add two to each integer in a list of integers, with the type signature:
     map :: [Int] -> [Int]

    List Comprehension

    List comprehenstions have the form of [element | element <- list] and you can read it in english as: Elements where elements are drawn from this list.

  3. Have a go at predicting what the output of the following statements are:
     [x | x <- [1 .. 10]]
     [y | y <- [1, 3 .. 19]]

    You can introduce functions to apply to a list comprehension to make it more interesting, for example you can double every element from the above activiity by doing this:

    [x * 2 | x <- [1 .. 10]]
    -- What is this list comprehensions output?

    And also remove elements the following way:

    [y | y <- [1 .. 20], y > 10]
    -- What is this list comprehensions output?

    To recap, they have the syntax: [function ( element ) | element <- list, predicate ( element )]

Your activity:

  1. Write a list comprehension over [1 .. 100] that removes all even and divisible by 3 numbers
  2. Write a list comprehension over [1 .. 9001] that squares the element and removes elements that are bigger than 100

Higher Order Functions

Can you see how tedious it is to implement these? We can make them much more general by using higher order functions, which are simply functions that take functions as arguments!

  1. Filters a list according to an input function, which returns a Bool for each element, with the following type signature:
     filter :: [a] -> ( a -> Bool ) -> [a]
  2. Write a function map that takes a list and a function. It applies the function to the list, returning a new list. It has the following type signature:
     map :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]