Welcome to PAL!


Within your groups, create a mindmap of all the topics you think you know of so far in the course. Use a whiteboard and marker. Take a few minutes to ask everyone in your group what they think, remember there are no wrong answers!

Own it!

Now that you’ve created your mind maps own up to what you do and don’t know. Grab a unique color and circle things you think you know, tick things you 100% know, and angrily underline anything you don’t think you know.

How to learn content you don’t understand

There are many strategies for approaching content you don’t know. On the whiteboards and in your groups try to complete the following techniques.

  1. Discuss the concept of a singleton set
  2. Write an example of an infinite set on the whiteboard
  3. Ask a friend: what is the type of the value True?
  4. Write the cartesian product of the Boolean set {True, False} and the set of the PAL mentors’ names {Jay, Edmund, Cam, Cassy, Yichen, Razi} on the board. (Confused? Ask a PAL mentor)
  5. Draw a function diagram showing which PAL mentors are here today. (Hint: from PAL mentors to Booleans) no alt text
  6. Discuss within your group what this function does mystery(x) => true if x/2 == 0; false otherwise
  7. We have the following two functions: a(x) => x^2 and b(x) => 2x. What order do we compose the functions to get: c(x) => 2(2x)^2?

Finishing up

To finish up create a mindmap of all the techniques you now know how to approach learning something you don’t know, and think of different ways you haven’t covered in this session. E.G Set up a meeting with a tutor in consultation hours.