
Nest cases in cases

Truth tables are a convenient way of describing an operation between Boolean values. For example, consider the truth table for the xor operator:

P Q P xor Q

Write the xor function xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool This function takes in two boolean values and return the corresponding boolean output for the xor operator, as shown in the table above. You should use nested case statements.

Nest guards within cases

We have a function defined as follows

maybeSqrt :: Maybe Float -> Maybe Float
maybeSqrt mx = case mx of
    Just x | x >= 0 -> Just (sqrt x)
           | otherwise -> Nothing
    Nothing -> Nothing

Imagine we run maybeSqrt (Just 4) What are the values of mx, x, x >= 0, sqrt x and the function maybeSqrt (Just 4) itself?

Let’s write a function to divide two floats. Consider the following implementation using guards.

divide :: Float -> Float -> Float
divide x y
    | y == 0 = error "the world will explode!"
    | otherwise = x/y

Lets write this function again using cases, guards and the following type declaration:

divide :: Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> Maybe Float

Functions as input

You can have functions as an argument to a case statement. For example:

odd :: Integer -> Bool
odd n = case even n of
    True -> False
    False -> True

In your assignment, you will need to write the tryMove function (week 4 lab). This is rather tricky to do in one go. So lets try to write a helper function which you can use in tryMove to make your life easier.

Write a function isOpenGround which tells us if something is Ground or Storage. Hint: Use the following type signature

isOpenGround :: List Coord -> Coord -> Bool