
In this worksheet, we’ll be looking at breaking down the transitionState function.

The first thing is understanding what is the record type State. Ask yourself and try explaining to your peers: What is the board? What is the ships? What is the condition? What is numMoves? What do each of these fields do? – if you can fully understand the record type and what they represent in the game, writing transitionState becomes a lot easier.

Think about how you would normally play the Battleships game. How do we know when the game is finished? When you check a position, what happens if there is a ship there, what happens if there isn’t?

The assignment spec has broken down the function quite well for us. So the following steps are just copied from the assignment spec. Each step has hints attached to them if you’re stuck. Make sure you at least think about how you would impliment the step before you ask for help. If possible, locate your specific issue before asking questions. A general question like: “I got an error, how do I fix it?” won’t get you helpful answers; a better question would be: “How would I edit a single element within a list of lists?”

The following steps are copied from the assignment spec, with hints after each step.

  1. If the condition of the state is Won or Lost, return the original state unchanged. Hint: How do you tell what the condition of the state is?

  2. If the move counter is equal to 20, change the condition to Lost, and return the new state. Hint: How do you find what the move counter is at? Remember how to pull and change things in a record type.

  3. If the target coordinate is outside of the coordinate range, e.g. (10, 10), return the original state unchanged. Hint: Make sure this is consistent with your coordInBound function. If you’re stuck here, going back to look at coordInBound is a good idea. Extra hint: You could use the coordInBound function here, but keep in mind that you’re trying to ask the opposite, if the coodinate is not in bound.

For step 4 and 5 the function updateList is very helpful.

  1. If the target coordinate has a ship present: Before you try to do the rest, first determine how to find out if there is a ship present at the given coordinate. (!! might be useful)

a) Mark the coordinate as Hit Hint: Recall how you changed the gsShips :: Ships in GenShips in the placeShips function. This is the same, except instead of changing it from False to True, you’re changing it from Unchecked to Hit

b) If all ships are sunk, change the Condition to Won, and return the new state. Hint: How do you know if all the ships are sunk? Try to impliment this as a seperate function.

c) If there are still remaining ships, return the new state. Hint: If not all the ships are sunk you should do this, so how do you know if not all the ships are sunk? (Check what you did in 4.b))

  1. If the target coordinate does not have a ship present:

a) Mark the coordinate as Miss Hint: This is the same as 4.a), except here you’re changing Unchecked to Miss.

b) Increase the moves counter by one, and return the new state. Hint: Could you add 1 to the old move number? How to you pull out the old move number?

If you’ve finished the worksheet up to here, congratulations! You’ve finished the assignment!!! There is a room for writing a report and a midsem revision room as well if you’re worried about those sections.