Type and Polymorphism

We have seen many types in Haskell: Int, Bool, Char, [Char] (also called String) and more. Hopefully you have become very comfortable with them over time, using them in your functions and to interpret your output.

Recently, we were also introduced to Polmorphic types. To define a polymorphic type, we use type variables to introduce an unconstrained type. Some simple examples are: a which is any type and [a] which is a list of any type. Even though the second example is a list, it is still polymorphic as it has a type variable.

Question 1: Identifying Recursion

We have a list of types and a list of instances. For each type, say whether it is polymorphic and if it is not, link it its instance.


[a]    Maybe a    Bool    String    (Bool, b)    a    Maybe Int    Double    Char    Int    (String, Char)


1    "True"    ("1", '1')    1.0    '1'    True    Just 1

Why We Need Polymorphism

Let’s start off with an example. If you were asked to write a function to extract the last element of a list of Int your code would most likely be something like:

lastElement :: [Int] > Int
lastElement ls = case ls of
    []  -> error "No Last Element"
    [x] -> x
    _   -> lastElement (tail ls)

But let’s say we have a list of Bool and we want to extract the last element of that list. If we try inputting the list [True,False, True] into the above function, Haskell will throw the following error:

  * Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `Bool'
    * In the expression: True
      In the first argument of `lastElement', namely
        `[True, False, True]'
      In the expression: lastElement [True, False, True]

In order to avoid the above error, we would need to define another function that would extract the last element from a list of Booleans. So:

lastElementBool :: [Bool] > Bool
lastElementBool ls = case ls of
    []  -> error "No Last Element"
    [x] -> x
    _   -> lastElementBool (tail ls)

But notice this: lastElementInt and lastElementBool are identical except for their type signatures. This would also happen if we wrote lastElementString or the last element function for any other type. This is dumb: it be annoying and a waste of time to code multiple functions for the same purpose. Wouldn’t it much easier if we could write one function that could be used for all data types…

This is where polymorphism comes into play!!

Polymorphism allows us to write a generalized function for numerous different input types. We simply use the constrained types in the type signature. For example:

lastElementPolymorphic :: [a] -> a
lastElementPolymorphic ls = case ls of
    []  -> error "No Last Element"
    [x] -> x
    _   -> lastElementBool (tail ls)

This function can be applied to all types that match the structure of [a], i.e any list! Substituting specific types for polymorphic types is all we need to do to define a polymorphic function!

There is issue with polymorphic functions: you don’t know what types it will applied to and so you can only use functions that could apply to any type. This means some functions can’t be made polymoprhic. For example:

impossiblePolymorphic :: String -> String
impossiblePolymorphic str = toUpper (head str) : tail str

This function can’t be made polymorphic as it relies on the function toUpper which can only be applied to Char.

At the moment this limitation is quite prohibiting: there are very few functions that can be applied to all types. However, we can get around this. In the type signature, we can specify that certain functions can be applied. Some common examples are == or Show. This is done like so:

polymorphicEquality :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> String
polymorphicEquality x y = case x == y of
    True    -> "They are equal."
    False   -> "They are not equal."
polymorphicShow :: (Show a) => a -> String
polymorphicShow a = "The input is: " ++ show a

So we add (Typeclass a) => to impose that this function can only be applied to types that belong to Typeclass. There are many typeclasses: we just saw Eq and Show but other common typeclasses are Num (for doing arithmetic) and Ord (when an ordering is required - this is a superclass of Eq).

Here are some examples of polymorphic functions:

greatestOfThree :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
greatestOfThree x y z
    | x >= y && x >= z  = x
    | y >= x && y >= z  = y
    | otherwise         = z
generateSuccessor :: (Enum a) => a -> Int -> [a]
generateSuccessor x i = helper [x] i
        helper :: (Enum a) => [a] -> Int -> [a]
        helper ls i
            | i == 0    = ls
            | i > 0     = helper (ls ++ [succ (last ls)]) (i-1)
            | otherwise = error "Input is negative"

Question 2: Applying Polymorphic Functions

We will now take a look at some examples of useful polymorphic functions. For each of the functions, see if you can work out what they do:

polymorph0 :: [a] -> a
polymorph0 (x:xs) = x
polymorphi1 :: a -> b -> (a,b)
polymorph1 elem1 elem2 = (elem1, elem2)
polymorph2 :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Int
polymorph2 lst elem = case lst of 
    [] -> 0
        | head lst == elem -> 1 + polymorph (tail lst) elem
        | otherwise -> polymorph (tail lst) elem
polymorph3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
polymorph3 lst1 lst2 
    | lst1 == [] || lst2 == [] = []
    | otherwise = [(head lst1, head lst2)] ++ polymorph3 (tail lst1) (tail lst2)
polymorph4 :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
polymorph4 x n
    | n =< 1 = 0
    | otherwise = x + polymorph4 x (n-1)

We also have the following list of 5 inputs and outputs:


20  "Green"
[True, True, False]  True
2  3
['x','y','z']  [1, 2, 3]


[('x', 1), ('y',2), ('z', 3)]
(20, "Green")

Each output can be produced by applying one of the polymorphic functions above to one of the inputs. For example:

For example:

polymorph0 "Turtle" = "T"

Can you work out the remaining 4?

Question 3: Turning Functions Polymorphic

We have seen many haskell functions so far, but until now none have been polymorphic. Let’s fix this situation! Take these list functions you and make them polymorphic:

reverse :: [String] -> [String]  
reverse ls = case ls of  
    []      -> []  
    x:xs    -> last ls : reverse (init ls)
length :: [Bool] -> Int
length []   = 0
length x:xs = 1 + (length xs)
elementRepetition :: Int -> String -> [String]  
elementRepetition i s
    | i == 0    = []
    | i > 0     = s : (elementRepetition (i-1) s)
    | otherwise = error "Input is negative"

Question 4: Your Own Polymorphic Functions

Now it is time for you to write your own polymorphic functions! Try write a function isPallindrome that detects if a list if a pallindrome - the same forwards and backwards.

Here are some examples to test against:

isPallindrome "racecar" = True
isPallindrome [1,2,3,3,2,1] = True

isPallindrome "not a tonne" = False
isPallindrome [Just True, Nothing, Nothing] = False

(Hint: use the function reverse that flips a list).