Induction Part1
COMP1130 PAL: Formal Verification and Induction
Induction in Haskell is the same as mathematical induction - remember, Haskell is basically just higher level maths! There is a base case and inductive case (Just like recursion!). A way you can think about induction is that it is reverse-recursion. While recursion counts down to the base case, induction counts up starting from the base case.
Warmup question
How would you consider a program to be correct?
This is essentially the theme of this worksheet - proving programs to be correct.
Induction Basics
We want to prove that some property holds true ∀n ≥ 0
(for all positive integers). To do this, we need to prove 2 things - the base case and inductive case.
A common example of this is:
Base case: Prove property true for n=1
Inductive case: Assuming property holds true for n=k
, prove property also holds true for n=k+1
The case base can vary (e.g. prove true for n=0
) depending on the property, but the inductive case always remains the same.
Induction on Numbers
Given the following definitions:
-- Calculates the nth fibonacci number (really slow algorithm)
fibSlow :: Integer -> Integer
fibSlow x
| x > 0 = case x of
1 -> 1 -- SF1
2 -> 1 -- SF2
n -> fib (n-1) * fib (n-1) -- SF3
| otherise = error "fibSlow: negative input"
-- a function returning the infinite fibonnaci sequence
fibseq :: [Integer]
fibseq = 1:1:zipWith (+) fibseq (tail fibseq) -- FF1
-- Calculates the nth fibonacci number (really fast algorithm)
fibFast :: Integer -> Integer
fibFast n = fibseq !! n-1 -- FF2
!! :: [a] -> Integer -> a
xs !! n | n < 0 = error "Prelude.!!: negative index"
[] !! _ = error "Prelude.!!: index too large"
(x:_) !! 0 = x -- IX1
(_:xs) !! n = xs !! (n-1) -- IX2
- Verify the code is correct, using formal verification and certification.
- Fix the code so that it does what it is meant to do according to the specifications (in comments), and test to check whether the code is correct.
- Now using the fixed code, prove that the following holds:
fibSlow n == fibFast n
You may assume that the fibseq list is infinite.
Induction on lists
Counting and joining
Given the following definitions:
-- joins two lists together
[] ++ ys = ys -- A1
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) -- A2
-- counts the number of elements in a list
count [] = 0 -- C1
count (x:xs) = 1 + count (x:xs) -- C2
- Verify the code is correct, using formal verification and certification.
- Fix the code so that it does what it is meant to do according to the specifications, and test to check whether the code is correct.
- Now using the fixed code as statements A1, A2, C1, C2 above, prove that the following holds: count (xs ++ ys) == (count xs) + (count ys)
Filtering and lengths
Given the following definitions:
-- counts the number of True elements in a list
countTrue [] = 0 -- C1
countTrue (x:xs)
| x == True = 1 + countTrue xs -- C2
| otherwise = countTrue xs -- C3
-- same as above with higher order functions
easyCountTrue xs = length (filter (== True) xs) -- EC1
-- calculates the length of a list
length [] = 0 -- L1
length (x:xs) = 1 - length xs -- L2
-- filter a list based on a boolean function
filter p [] = [] -- F1
filter p (x:xs)
| p x = x : filter xs p -- F2
| otherwise = filter p xs -- F3
- Verify the code is correct, using formal verification and certification.
- Fix the code so that it does what it is meant to do according to the specifications, and test to check whether the code is correct.
- Now using the fixed code, prove that the following holds:
easyCountTrue xs == countTrue xs